Yes it Costs More to Operate an Electric Water Heater
But they are more energy efficient
Electric Water Heaters:
- Generally, cost less than gas models (But more to operate.)
- Easy to maintain
- Require no combustibles or venting
- Heats water quickly
- Offer high energy factor ratings
Energy Efficiency
Whichever fuel source you use, a water heater can be the third largest energy user in your home, so you’ll want a unit that offers energy and cost savings. Fortunately, almost all water heaters offer increased efficiencies to meet increasingly strict federal energy standards. Look for the Energy Factor (EF) rating on the unit. This rating measures how efficiently a unit converts energy into heat as well as how much heat is lost during storage. The higher the energy factor, the more energy efficient the water heater is. Look for EF ratings as close to 1 as possible. Electric water heaters do tend to have the highest EF ratings.
For example lets take a look at the Energy Factor of one of Bradford White’s Electric Water heaters.
Featuring: Our Energy Saver line of upright electric models features the power of the Hydrojet® Total Performance System and the convenience of electricity. Available in single and double element models, these water heaters give you the power you need to heat water with electricity.
Braadford White Model numbers include: M2-30R6DS & M2-50T6DS for the following features:
- M2-30R6DS (30 Gallon) Energy Factor “.93” (One of the highest in the industry)
- M2-50T6DS (50 Gallon) Energy Factor “.90
- Direct heat transfer with immersed screw-type elements
- Fully automatic controls

- Factory installed Hydrojet® Total Performance System
- Factory installed di-electric waterway fittings
- Protective magnesium anode rod
- Vitraglas® lining
- Heat traps
- Brass drain valve
- T&P relief valve opening
- 2″ Non-CFC foam insulation
If you need some more help deciding which Electric Water Heater to invest in, check out for more information on water heater energy efficiency, or give us a call and schedule an appointment for a needs analysis and we’ll help you make an informed decision based on your needs and any special criteria you have free of charge.
You may also want to consider an Insta-Hot Water Heater in your Menifee CA.
Call: (951) 375-9599 Now!
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